® Blanca Bk 2011
¡¡¡¡¡¡¡Pasajeros al tren!!!!!! Ya ha salido a la venta "Un tren de cine", el libro que he tenido el placer de ilustrar para la editorial San Pablo y escrito por Alfredo Gómez Cerdá. La divertida historia de un tren que quería ser estrella de cine.
Acrílicos + Lapiceros de colores.
"Un tren de cine". Colección La Brújula. Serie Verde.
ISBN: 978 84 285 53747
Año 2011, Madrid.
Editorial San Pablo.
All aboard!!!! Has already gone on sale "A train of cinema", the book that I had the pleasure of illustrating for house publisher San Pablo and written by Alfredo Gómez Cerdá. The funny story of a train wanted to be a star. Acrylics + colored pens.
All aboard!!!! Has already gone on sale "A train of cinema", the book that I had the pleasure of illustrating for house publisher San Pablo and written by Alfredo Gómez Cerdá. The funny story of a train wanted to be a star. Acrylics + colored pens.